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Ben Novotny named Massachusetts Lawyer of the Year


Trial Lawyer Ben Novotny was named to the 2018 Massachusetts Lawyers of the Year by Lawyers Weekly. Ben has won numerous 7 & 8 figure verdicts on behalf of his clients. He won the award for his tough fight for justice in the case Larkin v. Johnston in which the jury awarded his clients a $40+ Million Verdict (with interest). In 2015, this result was the largest verdict in Massachusetts & the 20th largest verdict in the U.S.


Larkin v. Johnston, was a Medical Malpractice case in which a woman suffered a venous varix, similar to a brain aneurysm, when giving birth.


Read more about the case and the award here (PDF download).

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At RN Law, we believe that litigation is one of the most effective ways to effectuate change in the healthcare industry. As such, our attorneys are passionate about holding healthcare providers and insurance companies accountable. We provide a range of legal services, including medical malpractice and personal injury law, to clients who have suffered from healthcare-related issues. Let our experience and expertise work for you.

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